Friday, July 4, 2014

Reality Check

Happy 4th of July everyone!! 

 It's been two days since I found out that I sold to Love Inspired Suspense. Still happy dancing - literally. Every now and then I get an email or a message from someone and I think, "Wow, this is really happening." I still get up and do a little happy dance around my chair. :) I have seriously been waiting for this day for such a long time. It still amazes me. I'm so very thankful.

Reality has slowly started to set in as well. I got the revision letter back from my editor and when I first start reading through it I'm smiling away and thinking, "I can do that, easy peasy." The more I read the less confident I get about it. Also the reality that people are really going to be reading this book someday sets in.  That thought makes me both happy and panicky at the same time. Actual, REAL people are going to be reading this.

Now the pressure of making it something that I can totally be proud of sets in. I guess in the back of my mind as I was writing it, I just wanted to make it something that an editor would like. I never really thought about the people I work with, friends and family or people I might bump into at the grocery store. People are going to read this!!! I'm both thrilled and frightened at the same time.

What if they don't like it? What if it's boring?

I'm looking at my revisions and faced with the reality that my dream has come true and now I have to make this book the best that I possibly can so it will be something I can be proud of.

The reality is amazing and frightening at the same time, but it's a reality that I've dreamed of for so long, there is no way I'm going to fail now.  I know there is so much more to this journey that I have yet to discover. I hope that you will hang out with me along the way and share pieces of yours as well!


Dana R. Lynn said...

Congrats Tammy! So glad you followed the Spirit's prompting.

Unknown said...

Me too! :) I haven't shared it with a lot of people I guess, but when I first started writing this book I felt God was telling me if I did it - He would bless it. I was worried for a while that it was just going to be too much of a mess to sell, but I knew something good would come of it. Selling it is above and beyond and everything I have ever dreamed. God is amazing!

Angela Ruth Strong said...

So excited to be one of those REAL PEOPLE who get to read your book. :-) Your humility is so incredibly sweet. I love how God is lifting you up. It's inspirational for us all.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Angela! I think I finally get to dig into revisions today. Hopefully, I'll make it something everyone will enjoy reading. :)