About Me

Hello there.  If you're reading this you must want to know a little about me.  So, here are a few fun facts for you.

I'm a single mom with three grown kids and one son still at home. That makes four of the most amazing kids ever! I homeschooled my children until their high school years and currently I work in education as a para professional to special needs children.

In my free time I enjoy spending as much time with my teenage son as I can.  The years fly by so fast and I treasure building some good memories with him before he leaves the nest.  I visit my grown children as often as I can as well.  I also enjoy fishing, camping and the outdoors.  I like to relax with a good crime drama or comedy on the television or by reading a good book.  I am trying to teach myself to crochet so I can make all my future grandchildren things.

During my growing up years, my father was a minister so there were many moves throughout small communities in Kansas during my childhood.  The longest I lived in once place was two years.  That was my second and third grade year in elementary school.  You might not believe it if you knew me, but I was a shy child.  Making friends was difficult so I played a lot of make-believe.  That's when my writing probably really started even though I didn't start putting things down on paper until much later.

I was raised in a Christian environment, although I did go through those 'rebellious' years when I was old enough to make my own choices.  Even through that time, my faith and beliefs always were a central part of my life. My foundations were on the rock, and thankfully they have always stayed strong.

I've been making up stories in my head for as long as I can remember.  I started putting them down on paper in the early 2000's.  In 2005 I was a finalist in the Long Contemporary category of RWA's Golden Heart contest.  My story was titled, Marriage on His Mind.  At the time I was targeting American Romance.  From that experience I received two requests for that book, both from Harlequin, and one request for revisions.  Life got in the way after that and my writing took a backseat for several years.

When I finally did make the choice to begin chasing my dream again, I switched lanes and wrote a Harlequin Presents style book.  I always did have a thing for the alpha male sort.  I was a finalist in the 2011 New Voices contest and also received a request from the 2012 So You Think You Can Write contest.

I had a little life getting in the way again with a divorce, finding a job and returning to the workforce.  On July 2, 2014 I received the call of my dreams. I sold to Harlequin's Love Inspired Suspense through the Killer Voices pitch contest.  My faith has always been so central to my life, so I'm not sure why I didn't think of writing a Love Inspired a long time ago.  I think I had some learning and growing to do first.  I've learned so much about what love really is and is meant to be the last few years.  Now, I'm excited about the chance to be able to uplift people with my writing and give people the hope that I feel is so important in life today.

I hope my words and my stories bring my readers hope for all the good things God has for you.

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