Somewhere along the line my kids have grown up.
All four of my children are adults now. They've gotten to that point where a barbie doll and box of Lego's aren't going to solve their problems and light up their life. They have real problems and issues in the shape of bills and responsibilities.
My oldest son and his wife have their own child. An adorable little boy who was diagnosed with Hemophilia days after his birth. My second son so busy working as a chef. He's amazing, but there are moments when I wish a new skateboard would make his life perfect again. My daughter has grown into an amazing woman and has now become a friend as well as my child. I know there is so much ahead for her and part of me wishes I could take it all on for her so she would never have to experience the bumps and bruises that life brings. My youngest son just left the nest this last year. He has so much ahead of him to experience. He is a writer and is living his own dream of someday being published. I wish I could make it all happen for him quickly and easily.
As a parent I want to make everything perfect for them. I don't want life to bring hurt. Realistically, I know I can't. There is no gift within my means that will lighten their loads. This is the day I hope I have prepared them for.
They are adults.
If you have small children hug them extra tight and enjoy those moments when playing in the wrapping paper can bring so much joy. They won't stay little forever but they will always be our babies.